Spanish 2: We have started the year with review of many things we learned last year. I am pleased with how much this year's student remember. Right now, we are focusing on our ability to ask questions. Coming soon: question comic strips. (And I love how this group enthusiastiacally embraces anything musical!)
Spanish 3: We have started the year working on giving detailed descriptions. We are taking a break from that to learn about Mexico's Independence celebrations (which are Spetember 15-16, not May 5 as many people believe). We have done some research and are comparing the Mexican struggle for independence with that of the US. In additon, students are busy blogging (in Spanish) and reading their favorite novel in Spanish.
Spanish 4: Our first unit of the year deals with something everyone loves--food! We have talked about some traditional Mexican foods and are now looking at fast food in Hispanic countries. (No Taco Bells in México, but McDonalds and Subway, sí!) We will also be looking at traditional foods of Argentina, Spain, and Perú and making some comparisons to our own favorite foods.
All-in-all it has been a great start to the year!