22 November 2015

Cuarto 2

¡Aprendemos mucho!  Spanish students have been very busy the past couple of weeks.  Not only did we complete our regular units, but we also celebrated el Día de los Muertos.

Spanish 1:  Students completed units on the weather and on their favorite activities.  They auditioned for a job as a meteorologist (see video of the finalists below) and wrote and illustrated a children's book about the seasons (see example below.)  They also decorated paper skulls for Día de los Muertos (pictured below also).  We are now moving on to describing people and objects.

Spanish 2:  Students finished their unit on their favorite activities/sports.  They created posters and wrote a short essay about their favorite activity to accompany the poster (example pictured below).  They did an indepth study of Día de Muertos--it's history and how it is celebrated.  They made some typical Día de Muertos decorations (also pictured below).  Next up, a unit on Peru and its many charms.

Spanish 3:  Spanish 3 students learned about the construction of ofrendas for Día de Muertos and then contributed decorations for the one in our classroom.  They also drew calacas and wrote calaveritas (pictured below). They enjoyed listening/watching the song "Calaverita" by the Santa Cecilia and its depiction of Día de Muertos.   They are now returning to the regular unit reviewing their daily routines.

Spanish 4:  Spanish 4 started a unit on Myths, Monsters, and Fears.  This led into some activities for Día de Muertos and how the Hispanic attitude towards death is somewhat different from the American attitude.  Students researched famous dead Hispanics and constructed miniature altars in their honor (pictured below).  They also watched the movie, "The Book of Life".  They are now looking at famous mythical monsters of the Hispanic culture.  They may not have the Boogeyman, but they certainly do have El Cuco.

18 October 2015

El tiempo vuela

The first quarter seems to be flying by.  Here is what Spanish classes have been up to the past couple of weeks:

Spanish 1:  Students have mastered vocabulary dealing with things found in a typical classroom.  They can tell what items they have with them as well as ask to borrow items such as a pen or pencil.  In addition, they are now able to count to at least 1000 and tell time in Spanish.  They had a great time playing "El osito perdido" (Lost Bear) to practice their counting skills.

Spanish 2:  Students are talking about sports and other  favorite activities.  They enjoyed the song Paraiso by Dvicio and even learned the dance that was done as a flashmob in McDonald's in Spain.

Spanish 3:  Students finished recording their "dating profiles" and are awaiting the final video product (as soon as I get time to do the editing).  They are now working on talking about their daily lives and routines.

Spanish 4:  Inca Cola --good.  Gazpacho--not so much.  That was the consensus after trying both. We finished our food unit by looking at what typical families around the world eat, and are now watching the movie "Canela" about a young girl, her grandmother, and their love of cooking.  (All Spanish, no subtitles--students are really getting a workout on their listening skills.)

04 October 2015

First quarter mid-term...already?

It has been a busy couple of weeks,but we have survived Homecoming week and the first quarter is half done already. How time flies. Here is what we have been doing in Spanish classes recently.

  Spanish 1: We finished our introduction vokis. Here are a couple of examples:
 In the past week we have been working on learning things found in the classroom. Next up, counting and telling time.

Spanish 2:  We finished our Pixton Comics project which involved using many question words.  Here is an example:

In the past week we have practiced giving descriptions and have written poems describing ourselves. We are currently working on videos in which we talk about ourselves and various aspects of our lives.

Spanish 3:  Between Homecoming activities and other field trips, it seems that we haven't had much classtime lately.  We have continued working on our detailed description skills.  We made word clouds about ourselves using descriptive words and phrases which became the headings on our webpages.  Here is an example:

Students have been working on designing a Wanted poster.  They continue to independently read a novel in the Spanish language as well as post to their individual blogs in Spanish.  Hopefully we will fit in some new music this week, as well as begin work on a new project.

Spanish 4:  We are continuing our study of foods of the Hispanic world.  We have taken a look at some of typical foods of Peru (including sipping some Inca Cola) and Spain (trying gazpacho tomorrow!)  Our unit will soon be ending with the viewing of the Spanish langage film, Canela.

More updates in a couple of weeks.

16 September 2015

Another year has begun...

Although it still feels like summer, the first quarter is well underway. Here is a rundown of what has been happeining in the various Spanish classes:

Spanish 1:  We are off to a great start.  Students have mastered the Spanish alphabet (and can sing it for you) and can great one another, introduce themselves, and tell you something they like.  Coming soon:  our voki introductions.  This is the first year that 8th graders have been allowed to take Spanish 1 and they are doing a great job.

Spanish 2:  We have started the year with review of many things we learned last year.  I am pleased with how much this year's student remember.  Right now, we are focusing on our ability to ask questions.  Coming soon:  question comic strips.  (And I love how this group enthusiastiacally embraces anything musical!)

Spanish 3:  We have started the year working on giving detailed descriptions.  We are taking a break from that to learn about Mexico's Independence celebrations (which are Spetember 15-16, not May 5 as many people believe).  We have done some research and are comparing the Mexican struggle for independence with that of the US.  In additon, students are busy blogging (in Spanish) and reading their favorite novel in Spanish.

Spanish 4:  Our first unit of the year deals with something everyone loves--food!  We have talked about some traditional Mexican foods and are now looking at fast food in Hispanic countries.  (No Taco Bells in México, but McDonalds and Subway, sí!)  We will also be looking at traditional foods of Argentina, Spain, and Perú and making some comparisons to our own favorite foods.

All-in-all it has been a great start to the year!

photo:  http://mundoimagenes.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/465x290xRegreso.jpg.pagespeed.ic.UjVuzxvHvU.webp